Bingo Box

BingoBox source: Bingobox is based on Tomorrowland ecology (BSC-Chain). Every time BingoBox is opened, a smart contract will be generated to mint NFT. That's the unique security of the contract.

Bingo Box Opening Method:

Only use Tomorrowland ecological designated Tonken $BINGO

The opening price of BingoBox is: 10,000 $BINGO

BingoBox open unit (units): Min 1 —— Max 100

Bingo Box Contents:

1.2022 Qatar World Cup Player NFT:

Bingo Box Celebrity Card NFT Classification (Including Coach)

Circulation 500,000

Level S: 5,000 (1%)

Level R: 50,000 (10%)

Level N: 445,000 (89%)

2.Tomorrowland Ecology: BingoCard

Circulation 500,000

Bingo Box sales distribution ratio:

40% of the price always goes to the Jackpot prize pool

10% will be permanently destroyed by hitting the black hole address

50% for the tomorrowland team

After the blind box is opened, the player NFT the smart contract can be placed in Tomorrowland's NFT trading market for trading

Last updated